Friday, 18 May 2012

Oncology Week, back in London + ICA cram

This week was basically a whirlwind tour of Oncology, ending with a visit to the local hospice.

I'm not too sure how or where oncology really fits into the 3rd year curriculum, and the oncology FY1 thought it may have been better placed in 5th year "when you've seen a bit more of everything". I think i have to agree with him here. A lot of the patients were quite ill, with multiple problems over multiple systems, which i had very little knowledge of, that and i don't think i was quite prepared for the palliative care side of things.

I found it quite difficult to understand why certain drugs were stopped, or why certain consultants believed a certain way of dying for the patient would have been a "better death". I know there must be a reason behind it, but i wish i had some insight into it too, i guess these things come with experience.

Oncology week aside, i'm finally back in London for a 2nd week of CCS (clinical and communication skills), and i've heard some pretty good things for this week, including putting NG tubes into each other.

Only 10 days left till my last ICA of the year, time to start the cram!
... well.. actually.. thinking about it....there's only 44 days until the end of year FINALS!



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