Sunday, 17 April 2011

50 days till Finals!

Easter holidays has finally started..... this can only mean .. 2 weeks of BLISS REVISION >.<

Well begining on Monday (i've given myself the weekend off ^.^)... but still.. that's only 50 days till our first exam.... FIFTY DAYS! Eeeeeks!

Scary thought that... but at the same time, it's my last set of exams of my Pre-clinical years...!!

I can't wait to hit the wards, i've worked so hard to get here, and finally i'm almost 2/5 of the way there! So .. it's time to kick my lazy ass into action, and start some revision!!

On an encouraging note, both my friend and i got an email from uni to go to the student office to collect a letter... and when i did open it... yay.. it was a really encouraging letter about our progress from the head of year 2 .. they do care (I LOVE BL!) ^.^!!

Ok it wasn't very personalised.. the letter was a carbon copy of the other, apart from the names where they've changed it, but either way.. it was encourgaing! - Going to cram even more now ^.^

(i am a nerd at heart)


Grumpy Biomed said...

Good luck with the revision, I know you can do it!

Tofu said...

Thanks Grumpy!

And just read your comment from your blog - you revise at WC!! Will ask FFC to point you out to me next time.. ^^! Hopefully you'll still be camping there when we come back to uni in 2 weeks time ^^!

Grumpy Biomed said...

Haha, yes, I'll be about though mainly I'm in Mile End...the 24/7 opening is so convenient!