Friday, 17 June 2011

Year 2 Results: 2/5th of a doctor ^^

Have to admit, this was a scary scary wait!

I wasn't sure if i had passed the spotter and i was just constantly biting my nails the whole week! I even woke up at 4am this morning (unintentionally) and decided to check my results!! ( if any admin staff will be up at that time updating our results..but i had to try!).

I just randomly refreshed the browser every so often until 9am when the random page refreshing turned into an every other minute spam... and finally.. around 10 something ish.. the results were out!!

Paper A - 86%
Paper Bi - 78%
Paper Bii - 75%
Paper C - 70%
Paper D - 74%

Outcome: Pass with Merit
[Edit: Got an email in December, and it turned into a distinction ^^]

The results aren't as great as last year, but i'm not complaining!!
(particularly since i'm now free for the summer and not having to worry about that nasty spotter ever again! ^^)

2/5th of the way there - YAYeeeee ROLL ON CLINICAL YEARS!


Grumpy Biomed said...


I knew you'd do well! Well done on successfully getting to the clinical years! You must be so proud!

Tofu said...

Thanks grumpy!! not really on the proud thing, but definately relieved!! can't wait to get my first cannula in!

ChezziePoop said...

I dont often comment because I follow on Google Reader but just wanted to say congratulations!! :D

Anonymous said...

Wow great results indeed! Very well done...

Florence said...

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